General Quarter breakup for the year

  • Q1 - JAN to MARCH
  • One week of no classes between quarters
  • Q2 - APRIL to JUNE (includes observation week and exams)
  • One week of no classes between quarters
  • Q3 - July - Aug (Summer camps and 1:1s only | No regular 12 week sessions)
  • Q4 - SEPT to DEC (long quarter)
  • Arpan Christmas Party before mid Dec followed by Winter Break

The next quarter for which you can register is Q3 2018 (Sept to Dec 2018) . If registration is low for a quarter, we reserve the right to cancel the group offering and open up the slot for 1:1 or semi-private lessons.


Once you are officially registered at ARPAN, you will be getting the fee schedule for the level and quarter that you are signed up for.  You may attend any class at your level or lower instead. Tuition needs to be paid before the start of a quarter. There is no refund for missed classes.



Periodically exams are held to assess the theoretical knowledge of the student nrityanganas. If you have an exam at the end of the year, there will be a minimal examination fee to cover expenses for the examiner.

  • After every quarter there is a week or so off unless announced otherwise. 
  • Summer - July & Aug:  Since most students travel back to India at this time, summer is focused on workshops, special trainings, private 1:1 classes and preparations for choreographic works.
  • Polish your Nritta - All Margam level students are encouraged to attend at least ONE nritta class per week outside of their scheduled classes.

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